
How to spend a week's pay in one day...


Obviously this is a life lesson everyone needs to know. Because who doesn't want to spend the rest of the week eating leftovers and using coins found in the bottom of your handbag to fund your coffee dates? 

Step 1: Visit Instagram, YouTube and Facebook makeup groups. Find pictures of other makeup obsessed hauls and purchases. Add everything they have that you don't to a wish list.
Step 2: Visit a few online stores. Add everything they sell that you don't own to your wish list.
Step 3: Go in store, buy everything on your wish list, see a few things that weren't on your wish list but you like the look of anyway and buy it all.

In all seriousness, I have been saving pretty hard (excluding every time Kylie Jenner decides to release some more lipsticks because I need to own them all. This isn't even about wanting them anymore) by transferring a set amount each week into a savings account designated for travel. So as you can imagine, my wish list has been growing each time I unlock my phone and see what everyone else has been buying and what all my favourite brands have been releasing. This week I decided to have a "week off" from saving and went crazy.

If you like haul's, this one is for you...

Firstly, I know how important skincare is, especially for someone like me who loves painting my face in as much makeup as I can fit. At the top of my list was a new moisturiser (because as much as I love the Kate Somerville one I've been using, I can't. afford to keep buying it whilst my skin has calmed down and isn't throwing a tantrum and demanding it!) and a new toner (because I like to try a different one each time until I find one that's going to make a huge difference to my life). 

I love hitting up Mecca Maxima and Cosmetica for my skincare as they have a great range and the girls there are happy to give samples (perfect for trying before you buy!) and happy to give advice. So list in hand (or on my phone because it is 2016) I headed straight to Mecca, purchasing from the Mario Badescu collection as it has great reviews and is reasonably priced (compared to Kate Somerville it is a steal). 

From Too Faced's new collection I needed (again it's more than just wanting) the Chocolate Bon Bons eyeshadow palette, and I'm sure I can't be the only person obsessed with the packaging and colours, oh and the fact that it smells like heaven - or it just smells like chocolate for those who don't appreciate a good thing. Because I not only want to fill my mouth with chocolate but also wear it on my lips, I also grabbed one of the new melted chocolate lipsticks in the shade Chocolate Cherries (Autumn come at me!). 

If I needed the Too Faced purchases I more-than-needed (??) a new pencil eyeliner for my tightline (because apparently leaving the lid off of eyeliners dries them out completely). The night before my shopping adventure I was watching plenty of YouTube (rookie error for anyone who has their list 'finished') and whilst watching Michelle Crossan I decided that the Nars Kohl liner had to be added to my wish list. 

I had tried a sample of the new Stila Aqua Glow Serum Foundation and thought it was beautiful and lasted amazing on my skin through my entire 8 hour shift working in fast food (would you like fries with that?). I don't think I'll ever have enough foundations in my collection - I love mixing them, changing what I wear every day, and trying out new ones. So the Stila foundation had been on my mind and in my heart since I had finished my sample. My collection required it. (Side note: I also tried the matching concealer and it creased like crazy so I highly recommend sampling the two if possible before you commit!). 

Next stop was Sephora where I was looking for the Tarte Showstopper Clay Palette, but unfortunately they didn't have it in-store. In exchange for not buying the palette I was after, I grabbed and fell in love with the Tarte Tartlette in Bloom palette. The colours were all stunning, with amazing pigmentation and my swatches blended nicely on my hand. Once I was home I realised how very similar the Stila Eyes are the Window palette in Soul... but you can never have too much of a good thing, right?

If Shaaanxo loves it, I need it. Another unplanned, non-wish list item I purchased was the Marc Jacobs Velvet Noir Major Volume Mascara as my friend pointed it out and mentioned the name Shaaanxo, that was all the convincing I needed. 

I lastly purchased a beauty blender as mine is on it's last legs. And I refuse to go one day without it. Surprisingly, this wasn't on my wish list either, but I saw they had some in store at Sephora (they are almost always sold out) and jumped at the opportunity. 

I did have another item on my wish list to purchase from Sephora but when I swatched it in store I wasn't impressed. It was the new Tarte lip paint, and I was wanting Hangry or Frenemy, but they swatched in an uneven, patchy consistency on my hand and all round just didn't impress me. The lighter nude shades I swatched were far more creamy, soft and not patchy at all, with much nicer pigmentation... but if you know me, you know I own 100 'too many' nudes and didn't feel like I needed another just yet (I'm too busy enjoying the Kylie Cosmetics lipsticks!). 

Before heading home with some money left in my bank account, I decided to visit a few clothes shops (which I don't do very often, I usually spend all my money on food or makeup!). I purchased a basic t-shirt and long sleeved top, as well as a bargain ($12.50) denim skirt from Target. After purchasing my second pair of boots for the year earlier in the week, as well as two smash box lipsticks (with personal engraving) and the Kmart copper mirror, I decided I was ready to call it a day and sit at home and wait for the new Kylie Cosmetics lip kit to be released (Kourt K you know you want to join the others in my collection!). 

Too Faced Melted Lipstick in Chocolate Cherries 

If you'd like to see any swatches, close up's, or anything else feel free to comment here, on my instagram or email me ( xxx

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  1. I love a good haul!! I'd love to see how the chocolate cherries looks on!

    Already awaiting the next blog post ��

    1. Just updated the post with a picture of Chocolate Cherries on! xx

  2. Me everytime I can't help myself! My list is ridiculous as soon as I cross a few things off loads more gets added! I need both of them pallets! Please do swatch of the melted lipstick would love to know what it looks like on! Xx is my blog

    1. Haha, I can't help myself either, I think it's a legitimate addiction (oops)! I've just updated the post with a picture of Chocolate Cherries on! xx

  3. Such a great read! I've got so many items added to my wish list after this blog post! :) X
