australis discount code

Attention Uni Students!


How to get a Discount from Your Favourite Stores

If you're like me you spend way too much money on food and makeup, and when it comes to clothes shopping you'll wait until the shops have sales before you even consider looking.  You also have lectures you'll consider attending every now and then and way too many assignments that you leave until the last minute to finish to work a full time job. 

So us broke girls go googling for discount codes (if you check out before googling for a discount code you can contact me to donate to my bank account via my email) and I don't know about you but if I can't find one I start second guessing (do I really need 3 pairs of socks this winter? Just how necessary are bras for an E cup girl?) and the internal dilemma begins. 

I've been eyeing off a denim jacket at General Pants for a while now, but being strict with my money (except on makeup and food and cute homeward from kmart and more food) I haven't committed to the purchase yet. 

Along came my fairy godmother UNiDAYS - a company for students who like discounts (so literally all of us). UNiDAYS is completely FREE (my favourite word), all you have to do is sign up and take advantage of all the online and in-store discounts! And now the days are googling for discount codes are over, you'll just have to sign in to your UNiDAYS account on the website or the app and find the code for all the best brands. 

Life is so much better when you aren't paying full price. 

PS: UNiDAYS doesn't just offer discounts on clothes, Australis can be found with an amazing discount (I highly recommend the fresh and flawless pressed powder!) and Look Fantastic (EX1 foundation is life) as well as skincare, shoes, car offers and mobile phone plans. 

Visit the UNiDAYS website and sign up HERE
Download the UNiDAYS app HERE

(I'd love to hear what bargains you guys score!) 

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  1. What discount did you end up getting? Hehe uni days is awesome thanks for reminding me I always forget it exists!! Love your blogs
